INFO (english)

CONEXÃO BERLIN (latin Jazz - brazilian style - made in Berlin)




Thomy Jordi: Bass

Subs (Live) : Thiago Duarte or Niklas Lukassen

Tino Derado : Piano


Matthias Trippner: Drums


Andreas Weiser: Percussion


Christian Magnusson: Trumpet / Fluegelhorn


Max Hacker: sax /flute



The portugues word „Conexão“ means „connection“. For Berlin based percussionist Andreas Weiser this word is like a programmatic statement. For him it means the growing together of cultures from different hemispheres. A growing together without ignoring the identities of distinct origins.

 The music CONEXÃO BERLIN, foundet by Andreas in 2013, is based on this philosophy. Conexão Berlin as a band stays for the get together of latinmusic influenced by brazilian moods with an explicit european feel of Jazz. The musical outcome of this mutual encounter is kind of a typical Berlin like melange of danceable instrumental music. It is not by accident that the music of the band is a celebration of lifestyle feelings you will find in citys like Rio, São Paulo, Berlin or New York. Since nearly 30 years Andreas is dividing his life between Berlin, Rio, São Paulo and sometimes New York. His love for brazilian music finds it´s expression in the collaboration with some of the best musicians of brazilian instrumental music like Paulo Moura, Bocato, Jorge Degas and Dom um Romao. Since a long time he was dreaming of founding a bandproject which combines the explosive feel of São Paulo with the cosmopolitic atmosphere of a constantly itself renewing europaen metropolis like Berlin.

 In 2013 he and his old friend, the excellent and  funky drummer Matthias Trippner, with whom he allready had toured the northeast of Brazil, met the pianovirtuoso Tino Derado. Derado who was living during many years in New York while working with the best of the eastcost Jazz and  Latin scene like Andy Gonzalez, Gary Burton, Randy Brecker or Jamey Haddad, seemed exactly the right man for this new rhythm based latin Jazz project. Soon extraordinary young swedish trumpet player Christian Magnusson joined the trio. Magnusson, if not hunting elks in the north of Sweden, is addicted to brazilian Bossa Nova moods. The perfect choice.  Since 4 years now an old friend of Tinos during his 13 years in New York, the great Max Hacker completed the hornsection of this band with his beautyful saxsound. And last but not least one of the most versatile and virtuoso ebass players of Europe, the swiss bass maniac Thomy Jordi entered the band.


From the beginning on this 5 and now 6 musicians acted like a natural unit. The first studio session was just an delicious and joyful adventure. As well as the first live shows. Big fun for the audience and the musicians.

A band of virtuosity and joyful playing had found itself.

A band which brings joy to the audience without denying highly musical ambitions. CONEXÃO BERLIN.


The production immediatly was nominated for germany´s important award "Vierteljahrespreis der Deutschen Schallplattenkritik" and was selected by well known germanys public radio station NDR Info as "CD of the week".

2018 the Band  went on a very sucessfull  three weeks  tour  throughout Brazil. This happend with the great help of "Kultursenat Berlin" and the german embassy in Brasilia. End of 2019 the band recordet  it´s 2nd album "VAGABUNDO" at famous Riverside Studio of producer Ralf Kemper in Cologne. It was due to be released in summer 2020. BUT: The Corona Virus interfered and stopt nearly everything for the band in 2020. So the release finally will be now on April 19th 2024 on EDEN RIVER RECORDS. Only remarkable activity of the band in Corona year 2020 was the participation in "Late summer Jazz" of "arte concert". Which was great anyway.  Since 2022 the band is back live on stage again.  So, life goes on as long as it goes and so does our music too !




INFO (deutsch)

CONEXÃO BERLIN (latin Jazz - brazilian style - made in Berlin)




Thomy Jordi: Bass

Subs (Live): Thiago Duarte oder Niklas Lukassen


Tino Derado : Piano


Matthias Trippner: Drums


Andreas Weiser: Percussion


Christian Magnusson: Trumpet / Fluegelhorn


Max Hacker: sax / flute


Die Band CONEXÃO BERLIN positioniert sich zwischen der reichen musikalischen Tradition brasilianischer Instrumentalmusik und modernem europäischen Jazz. Gegründet wird das Projekt im Sommer 2013 von dem Berliner Perkussionisten Andreas Weiser, der sich seit vielen Jahren mit den zahlreichen Varianten brasilianischer Musik beschäftigt und schon mit etlichen großen Namen der mpb (wie z.B. Paulo Moura, Dom um Romão, Marcos Suzano, Jorge Degas, Roberto Mendes, Bocato u.v.a.) gearbeitet hat. Andreas Weiser hegte schon lange den Traum eine Band auf die Beine zu stellen, die das Beste aus beiden Kulturbereichen vereint.

4 musikalische Weggefährten des Berliner Percussionisten begeisterten sich sofort für die Idee eines solchen Projekts und die dahinterstehende Idee, groovend jazzige Instrumentalmusik mit brasilianischem Akzent auf die Bühne zu bringen.

Der Latin Spezialist Tino Derado (Till Brönner, Gary Burton, Randy Brecker, Andy Gonzales) am Flügel, Matthias Trippner (rad, Stefan Raab, ChristophTitz) an den drums, der Brasil affine junge Schwede Christian Magnusson (Heliocentric Counterblast, Hannes Zerbe Orchester, ) an der Trompete und der zwischen Zürich und Berlin hin und her pendelnde Schweizer Bassvirtuose Thomy Jordi (Ronin, Intergalactic Maiden Ballet, Rosenstolz, Helge Schneider) waren und sind die Idealbesetzung für dieses groovende Jazzprojekt. 2019  dann  stieß dann schließlich als Vervollständigung der Hornsection der Band noch ein alter Freund Tino Derados aus seinen New Yorker Jahren zur Band, der großartige Saxophonist und Flötist Max Hacker

Erste Konzerte in Berlin und die überschwängliche Reaktion des Publikums bestärkten die Musiker in ihrem Gefühl hier ein Projekt aus der Taufe gehoben zu haben, das Virtuosität und den Faktor Spaß auf geniale Art und Weise verbindet.

Man beschloß ins Studio zu gehen, um diese spezielle musikalische Energie zu einer CD Produktion zu formen.

Im Februar 2015 trafen sich die Musiker im vom Rio gut 12 000 km entfernten Berliner Greve Studio zu einer ersten Aufnahme Session. Von Anfang an stimmte die Chemie. Die bisherigen Konzerte und diese  Studiosession machten allen Beteiligten (Musikern, Aufnahmeteam und Zuhörern) schnell klar, welch emotionale und musikalische Kraft in diesem Projekt steckt.

Das Ergebnis dieses Prozesses erschien im August 2017 als CD unter dem Titel „produto importado „ auf Unit records. Auf Anhieb wurde  diese Produktion zum Vierteljahrespreis der Deutschen Schallplattenkritik nominiert und von NDR Info zur CD der Woche gekürt.

2018 unternahm die Band eine sehr erfolgreiche und durch den Berliner Kultursenat sowie die deutsche Botschaft in Brasilia geförderte Tournee durch ganz Brasilien.

Ende 2019 nahm die Band ihr 2. Album „Vagabundo“ im renommierten Kölner Riverside Studio des Produzenten Ralf Kemper auf.  Geplant war die Veröffentlichung für Sommer 2020. Doch die Coronakrise verhinderte dies wie so manches andere! Einzig die Beteiligung an der Reihe „Late summer Jazz“ von arte concert war 2020 für die Band noch möglich. Alle anderen Aktivitäten und Vorhaben der Band, wurden verschoben. So auch  die Veröffentlichung der 2.CD „Vagabundo“ auf  nun endgültig Anfang Juni 2024 bei EDEN RIVER RECORDS .  Bereits seit 2022 ist die Band wieder live aktiv.  So, life goes on as long as it goes and so does our music too !








LINERNOTES ("Vagabundo"):

Two melancholies meet like two rivers in this soft and careful record

The Rio Negro  and the Amazon

the Yangtze and the Han,

the Rhone and the Arne,

the Beberibe   and the Capibaribe

These rivers run clear and separate,

but always side by side till they reach the sea!




Então, o Conexão Berlim apresenta música instrumental de altíssima qualidade, tanto quando parte pra interpretação das composições autorais, quanto quando parte para arranjos de “ standards “ , como Bebê ou Otoño.


O grupo faz o que a gente espera de um som instrumental, e sem dúvida , o lado autoral, do Tino e do Andreas é muito instigante e interessante, traz a coisa boa de ouvir um som novo…



Conexão Berlin presents instrumental music of the highest quality, both when they perfom their own compositions  and when they arrange "standards" such as Bebé or Otoño. The group does,  what we expect from instrumental music. And there´s no doubt that Tino and Andreas´authorial  side is very exciting and interesting, and brings the good  thing of hearing a new sound...



Wow, beautiful compositions

Fanatstic players

I love the pianist!!!


LINER NOTES (produto importado):

Musical paintings by impressionists of today. Poetic sound story to the mind of a happy dancing child. Join us and come with us. Let’s celebrate!”





"My friend and brother of the drum, Andreas Weiser has come back from the other side to produce this exquisitely crafted recording, blending his love and deep understanding of Brazilian, Afro-Caribbean musics with his creative visionary sensibilities. This is very personal truly heartfelt project. Blessings to you and all these super talented players. Love Always"





"Brasilien trifft in Europa auf amerikanische Jazztradition. Der Cool Jazz-Klassiker "Move", Kompositionen des

Pianisten Tino Derado und Stücke von brasilianischen Musik-Legenden wie Tania Maria, Dory Caymmi, Hermeto Pascoal

und Carlos Lyra werden organisch zu einem Band-Sound verschmolzen.

Brasilianische Musik gespielt von Europäern? "Conexão Berlin" findet eine eigene Authentizität."

ULF DRECHSEL (Head of Jazzdepartment at radio Berlin Brandenburg, rbb )



I enjoyed your interpretation of my song Yatra Ta and i am happy to be part of your creativity. Good luck, with a musical hug to all of you.




O som da Conexão Berlin me deixou feliz por vários motivos: Ouvir música brasileira tocada por músicos não brasileiros é sempre um prazer, o de ver meu país e sua cultura musical se espalhando. Ouvir a Pipoca do Hermeto, música que eu gravei em 92 pro Cd Brasileiro ,de Sergio Mendes, vencedor do Grammy. As composições originais também me encantaram assim como o entrosamento do grupo e de seus talentos individuais. Desejo todo sucesso para o Conexão Berlin !!!!




The sound of Conexão Berlin makes me happy due to many reasons. It´s allways a pleasure to listen to brazilian music performed by non-brazilians. You recognize how the music-cultur of my homeland is spreading throughout the world. And so i hear Hermeto´s Pipoca, a tune i recorded 1992 for the grammy awarded CD „Brasileiro“ of Sergio Mendes.  Also the original compositions, the way these musicians are playing together, as well as the individual talents of the group members are enchanting me. All success for you „Conexão Berlin“!!!